In 1973, the mother of American memoirist, Kim Sunée, abandoned her on a bench in a South Korean marketplace. She was only 3 years old.
Tag: philanthropy
Vladimir Tyurin: A Philanthropist and Humanitarian to the Russian Public
We at Charity and Life, would like to take this opportunity to profile a man who has done an enormous amount to help people of
Why to Give
In order to give a person has to be humbled by the experience. Giving should not be out of self-promotions or a selfish act. It
Why is Charity Important
Charity is the ultimate act of kindness. When a person shares whatthe have with others, it shows their good nature. Diego Ruiz Duran believes strongly
Shalom Lamm on Donating to Nonprofits in 2021
Nonprofits need support from all of us. With 2020 bringing many privations forward, nonprofits are some of the most cardinal organizations to support. Shalom Lamm,
Helen Lee Schifter on Giving Back in a COVID World
During the current economic climate, so many are hurting. We’ve all seen the ways in which the Coronavirus pandemic has tragically decimated small businesses and
Chanoch Harow: A Dedicated Supporter of Israel
Chanoch Harow has consistently stepped up to the plate to help Israel in a variety of different ways during his life. Indeed that help has
Innovative Philanthropy Is Amazingly Impactful
Ken Kurson has worked in many different industries over the course of his career. In those various industries he’s managed to achieve a great deal
Giving Back Can Actually Be A Selfish Act
Helen Lee Schifter has shared differing insights about the impact philanthropy can have. It’s incredible how meaningful that impact can be. And of course, it’s