Reasonable fitness goals hold us accountable, creates a clear path on how to achieve them, and help get us through days of low motivation or
Month: February 2021
Fun Ideas for a Chinese-Themed Dinner Party
The Chinese Lunar New Year may have just passed, but that doesn’t mean people have to wait another year to have a fun, low-key dinner
3 Simple Rules to Follow to Accomplish Your Goals
The most important aspect of achieving your goals is to know specifically what they are! In order to be able to reasonably plan out your
How Digital Marketing Can Assist Your Small Business
Implementing an effective digital marketing campaign is essential for every business while you should also understand that if you are a small business owner, you
Brands Supporting Communities Affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic
Allure magazine recently discussed beauty brands that are giving back in support of coronavirus relief. Half a million people have lost their lives in the
How Natalie MacNeil Created the Only Accredited, Multi-Modality Coaching Certification of Its Kind
The Transformational Embodiment Coaching Methodology is Natalie MacNeil’s holistic, multi-modality approach to transformation. It’s a balance of feminine and masculine, being and doing, aliveness and
The Case for Sustainable Senior Care
The elderly fall into one of the most vulnerable groups of people in society. Mahatma Gandhi said, ‘ the true measure of any society can
What Your Driving Style Reveal About Your Personality
There are countless articles online detailing how you can identify someone’s personality based on tell-tale signs, but did you know that driving was one of
Pet Care Considerations in 2021
Humans are not the only ones being affected by COVID-19 restriction measures; our domesticated animal friends are feeling it too. Owning a pet has major
Natural Ways to Improve the Air Quality in your Home
Air quality is something we never used to consider, but as pollution worsens, the quality of the air that you and your family breathe at