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Various Ways That Hi-Tech Solutions Helps the Farming Sector


Technology continues to develop exponentially, as the Internet enables information sharing, and with millions of technicians collaborating on cutting-edge projects, there seems no end to the advancements. The farming sector has seen many benefits from the digital technology wave, and here are a few of the ways that farmers currently use new technology.

  • Solar Powered Fence Energisers – Without electric fencing, farmers would not be able to effectively contain livestock, and while electric fencing is not new, you can now obtain solar powered fence energisers from JVA Electric Fencing, a leading Australian producer of high-quality fence energisers. The solar panel charges the small battery and the system works for a full 20 days without sunshine, such is the efficiency.
  • Drones – Drones are becoming a part of our lives in many ways, with giant logistics corporations like Amazon already delivering their products to customers via drones. How exactly would a farmer make good use of a drone? He can search for animals on a large spread without having to go himself, and some Australian farmers are using drones to spray fertiliser and pesticides on their crops, with very effective results and a low cost. The farmer can send a drone to inspect fencing and can cover many miles in a day, and any fencing that needs repairing, the farmer notes the latitude and longitude and his smartphone takes him right to the spot. Who knows? One day we might see cowboys on drones, driving large cattle herds, just as they do with helicopters.
  • GPS Locators – By attaching a GPS tag to the herd leader, the farmer can easily locate the animals at any given time, which is great when bad weather is coming in and the farmer needs to find his herd quickly.
  • Solar-Powered Crop Management – Forward thinking nations like Israel have been using laptops to control their crop care for many years, with a special protective box that contains the laptop and a small solar panel to provide the energy. Once the computer is configured, it will automatically deploy water and fertiliser as programmed, and this saves the farmer a lot of time and money. It is a significant investment to prepare the fields for automated crop care, but once the system is in place, the farmer has complete control without having to visit the fields. If you have yet to convert your home to solar power, here are a few reasons why you should.
  • CCTV – Farmers obviously use CCTV to monitor their farmhouse and surrounding buildings, yet they also set up cameras in remote areas of their land, which allows them to check that all is well. From a single control venue, the farmer can see all the perimeters of his holding, regardless of the size, and if a farmer is losing animals to a predator, he can set up digital camera traps in specific locations to identify the predator and take appropriate action. Check out the latest Covid-19 information for the farming community.

The farming sector is enjoying many benefits from innovative technology that enables them to manage their farm using minimal resources, and if you run a farm, some of the above might be suitable for you.