Shalom Lamm: Leading an Extraordinary Mission

Shalom Lamm is unique in more ways than one. An accomplished businessman with over four decades of experience in the private sector, Lamm continues pursuing lofty endeavors but this time in the nonprofit sector. His drive and ambition in the pursuit of excellence is no secret to those that know him well. During his career in the private sector, Shalom created dozens of successful businesses, while employing hundreds of people. But as an accomplished business person, he has now set his sights on giving back to the community and making a meaningful difference in society.
Indeed, Shalom now leads Operation Benjamin, a nonprofit organization doing remarkably important work. The organization is dedicated to locating Jewish personnel at American military cemeteries all over the world who, for various reasons, were buried under markers incorrectly representing their religion and heritage. The group led by Shalom, seeks to correct these mistakes and to provide the tremendous comfort to the families of these fallen heroes, by correcting these inaccuracies.
Operation Benjamin under the direction of Shalom, works very discreetly on ensuring that their mission is carried out in a way that is dignified and that ensures that no costs are incurred by the families involved in this ever so important mission. Indeed, what can possibly be more sacrosanct and important a cause than ensuring that our nation’s heroes that have fallen in battle protecting our citizens, have their memories consecrated in the most proper and honorable way possible.
During the present economic conditions that the Coronavirus health pandemic has brought, many are experiencing the depressed economic conditions not only in commercial settings, but also on a personal level. This is only natural given the gravity of the situation that has struck the globe, on a scale nobody could have possibly anticipated. But it’s important for us to not lose sight of the generosity of spirit that makes the American people remarkably unique and special.
It’s incumbent upon all of us no matter your walk of life, background or economic condition, to seek to help our fellow citizens in whatever way possible. Similarly, it’s important for businesspeople to give back philanthropically. And of course, this type of devotion to our fellow citizen need not be financial. There are countless other ways people can give of themselves beyond merely doing so financially. They can give of their time or give of their talents and skills to help eachother, without incurring any financial cost.
In addition to his involvement in Operation Benjamin, Shalom also serves as an executive consultant to Ambit Success. Indeed, one of the many characteristics and variables that distinguish Shalom from other accomplished businesspeople, is his desire to give back to the community in more ways than one. It’s also the nature of giving back that is innovative and creative. Often times we as a society deem giving back in very conventional and ordinary terms. Shalom has redefined the definition of what philanthropy truly is. He’s invested in any cause he decides to pursue. And he always makes sure to carry it out with heart, dignitiy and the utmost level of compassion.